Tuesday, December 10, 2013

A real superhero

Superheroes come In various forms. My favorite hero is a woman of 78 years. Her name is Shirley Snell. She is my grandmother.
My grandmother is Native American (confederated tribes of grand ronde- northwest pacific- where I grew up), grew up in Flint, MI, and retired as a nurse. Her first husband was murdered while he was trying to save a girl from being gang raped- the girl did get away but he was beat to death. Shirley was pregnant with her first child- my aunt Jamie. After Jamie was born, Shirley ran into a mother of one of the guys that had killed her husband and she had told my grandmother that she was so sorry for what had happened. Shirley replied, "I love my baby so much that I have no room for hate in my heart." 
This is just one of the amazing lessons of love and forgiveness my grandmother has taught me. She worked as a nurse in a teen mother ward in the 1980's in San Antonio, TX. She quickly gained respect as she couldn't see the difference between skin color because she only saw the color of one's blood- it's all the same. 
There are countless stories my grandmother has shared with me of faith, courage, strength, love, and power. 
She is a caring mother, a loving grandmother, and a proud great grandmother. She prays every night for the ones she loves of protection, guidance, and care. 
She has a close relationship with the spirit of love and I am honored she has passed the wisdom of life down to me and for that I am forever grateful to be a part of this wonderful woman's family tree. Thank you Shirley Mae Snell. 

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